
We have to make a lot of decisions during the course of our lives. During the course of our day to day even- small decisions usually. Some of the decisions we need to make seem pretty obvious and don’t need much thought to make the correct choice or just aren’t too important. “Shall I have … More Crossroads…

Checking in…

Wow…time is going a lot quicker than I thought. It’s been 4 weeks really since I wrote anything for my blog. I didn’t think it’d been that long. I thought only a couple of weeks had gone by. I guess that’s what happens when you’re busy busy. Good busy. Time is just flying by. These … More Checking in…

Moving forward…

The main order of business this week seemed to be the gym…and Nandos. I haven’t found much to do in terms of activities where I am, although I think the season of festivals is coming up here. They have all sorts. Science Festival šŸ”¬ (which I actually think I’d really enjoy), Cricket Festival šŸ (not … More Moving forward…

Eid ul-FitrĀ 

Today is Eid ul-Fitr. The Islamic celebration that marks the end of the blessed month of Ramadan.  For me, this past month hasn’t felt much like Ramadan. Possibly because a lot of changes have happened in my life during the past 30 days, so everything has just flown by. I feel like I haven’t  done … More Eid ul-FitrĀ 


I couldn’t have asked for a better couple of weeks, albeit very busy and tiring… My first week at work was really good…better than I thought it would be. I’m in a young department that is so sociable and friendly, with people I actually feel comfortable talking to. It’s something I haven’t experienced during the … More Blessings…